Friday, March 13, 2009


Youth Olympics Games 2010 VALUES:-
  • Friendship
  • Exellence
  • Respect
  1. The Context of the Games and the Olympic Spirit:-
    Today, the Olympic Games are the world's largest pageant of athletic skill and competitive spirit. They are also displays of nationalism, commerce and politics. These two opposing elements of the Olympics are not a modern invention. The conflict between the Olympic movement's high ideals and the commercialism or political acts which accompany the Games has been noted since ancient times.
  2. So friendship has been taking part on every Olympic event as they get to meet each other and make friends. The excellence is by competing with other people in other country to win something and never GIVE UP!!! Respect is by respecting other people if they won something , respecting participant when they are participating and many more.
  3. The Recent Beijing Olympic:-
    Since July 13, 2001, when Beijing won the right at the 112th plenary meeting of the International Olympics Committee to host the 29th Olympic Games, Chinese people under the auspices of the Chinese government have been endeavoring to make the 29th the best games ever. In publicizing the Olympics background information, the construction of the Olympics venues and other aspects, there are many moving stories. Following are some of them.
  4. English Speaking Contest held to support Olympic Games
    In Beijing, host city of the 2008 Olympic Games, an English Speaking Contest was held featuring the Olympic Games. Participants from 12 colleges in Beijing showed their enthusiasm for the Beijing Olympic Games through their brilliant speeches. Speech titles such as 'Olympic Games in My Heart' and 'One World One Dream' demonstrated participants' excitement about the Beijing Olympics.

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